blankie, 38% done

Here we are, 11 days from delivery, and the blankie has grown to 38% complete (32 of the 84 diamonds).
On a more important note, I heeded all your great advice and weaved in all my ends. I now have a few more again, but still, those were a lot of ends!
I’m also knitting in the end that starts the color change. So, I’ve halved the total number of ends. Again, because you all pushed me and made me realize that I should! I don’t often (ever?) do much with multiple colors of yarn so it just didn’t dawn on me to do this.
I am, yet again, losing steam on this project. But, I’m staying on task and I haven’t picked up the needles to knit anything else.
The baby is due in 11 days. If I knit 4 diamonds a day I will make the deadline. And — almost as important — I will not have my 4-day July 4th vacation consumed with baby blanket knitting.
Oh don’t lose steam now!! It’s so beautiful and will be a masterpiece. I can’t wait to see it finished.
Go go go go go go go! It’s stunning already.
Note to self: spontaneously forget how to knit when someone I know gets preggers.
Though when it happens, I’ll probably be quite happy to knit for them. It has yet to happen.
Your blankie is gorgeous! You are an awesome soon-to-be-aunt.
Sorry if this puts your timing off but… does that include a day for blocking?
It’s gorgeous.
wow, it’s so like a sculpture in its unblocked state! i can’t wait to see what it’s like when it’s done.
keep those fingers knitting!
That is stunning! Keep chugging!
Keep going girl! You can do it!
It’s looking wonderful!
Ooooh, that blanket gets more amazing and gorgeous everytime you post a picture! I just love the colors you chose and how they play off each other in that texture.
That has to be the coolest blanket I have ever seen. It will be SO WORTH IT. And, if you think about it, it’s probably too hot now to use immediately so you have TIME. Don’t give up!!!! 😉
Hey, that’s totally do-able! Good for you! It’s a really stunning blanket, I love the pale blue with deep grey. Nice.
Savannah, I love your knitted blanket! Wonderful!
Carla M (
Go Jody go! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
It’s coming along wonderfully! Maybe baby will be a little bit late and give you more time to knit … According to the Yarn Harlot babies won’t be born until the knitting is complete, so hopefully that theory pans out for you.
I can only imagine how proud and happy you will be once you’re done. It’s coming along so nicely! Love the choice of colors.
You go, titi Jody!
Go Jody, go Jody, go Jody, GO!!
PS – Things between the P-Man and Brittany are purely platonic, don’t worry
Woo hoo! It’s fantastic. What a lucky baby! You can DO it!
Wow. That looks amazing. so you started with the center square and you’re knitting outward right? Clever!
OMG, how beautiful!!! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you finish in time!