There’s been a serious lack of focus around here lately. Great for new WIPs, not so great for any serious progress.
I frogged Sprig and started Ease in the Mad Tosh Merino DK instead. I love Sprig but I finally admitted the loosely spun single was not a great match.
I’m a bit concerned about the neckline size but I need to knit more to be able to assess. I keep telling myself that I can always address it by knitting the cowl neck a bit tighter. I do think it’ll be cushy and warm.
I also started the Brimson wrap in Brooks Farm Mas Acero. I’ve done the edging and started the cables but I’ve admitted the yarn is just not the right match for the pattern. The varying shades in the yarn and the lack of stretch in the silk and rayon aren’t doing this pattern justice, plus I had to fight to make the cables. Oh and it was curling like crazy. There’s gotta be a better yarn choice for this beautiful wrap.
I’m also trucking along on several pairs of socks, and (of course) daydreaming about starting a bunch of new ones.
And yes, it’s Sunday morning and I have no idea which WIP I’m going to work on today. Do you ever have days like that?
I’ll catch you on the purl side.
Love that green yarn! Those are both nice patterns, too, but you frogged Sprig? :>(
Been having lots of those days lately. I don’t seem to be satisfied with anything I am knitting on. Guess it happens to all of us. Your wrap progress is beautiful!
Everyday is like that here! But I love those socks, the stripes are all so pretty. I’m sorry you aren’t liking the wrap, looking at the pattern I can see what you mean. I hope you get it figured out! Good luck
I think all the knitters are going through an epidemic right now. The last four blogs I’ve read this morning have all felt a lack of motivation in knitting and a great indecisiveness in what to knit next. And I’m having the same problem myself! Although my desire to have a new pair of socks when I have 30% left on the second sock might override this weird feeling of indecisiveness.
Sorry to hear about Sprig
I’m joining the bandwagon of the unsatisfied knitters out there. It has been hard to find the right project for me right now. I want to knit socks but can’t seem to get motivated to work on my two WIPs. I think we all run into this issue now and then, maybe we need a break.