I started 2 new projects this weekend. The lacy one is a scarf out of Kid Silk Haze in a lace pattern from one of Barbara Walker’s books. The repeat is really easy to remember and once you get going on it it’s a breeze to tell if you’re going wrong. I’m glad I tried this out because my Flower Basket Shawl has been giving me all kinds of trouble and I was about to swear off lace knitting for a while. I am considering restarting this scarf though and making it wide enough to be more of a wrap.
On the right is the beginning of a knee-high sock in Mountain Mohair. I’ve never tried MM before — I just love it! It’s gotta be one of the softest superwash sock yarns I’ve ever used. I’m doing it toe up so I can use up as much yarn as possible on each sock. For those of you who have done knee socks, have you done elastic just in the top ribbing, or throughout the leg? I ask because I have 2 pairs of commercially made knee-socks. The one with elastic just on the top seems to slip down, but the one with elastic throughout the leg doesn’t. It could be coincidence and I really don’t want to knit the whole leg with elastic unless necessary.
St. Brigid Yarn
I may have found a winner! I’m going to play around with a swatch a little more and if it’s a go I’ll show you pics in the next day or two.
Great looking lace scarf–it would be lovely as a wrap. I haven’t tried the Moutain Mohair but it is on the list…Can’t wait to see the St. Brigid yarn. Is it the one we talked about??
I love the Kidsilk Haze! I started my second birch shawl and will show you when I see you.
Isnt it luscious?
I love the Kidsilk Haze lace scarf. I am halfway through a pair of gloves in the same yarn and I’d like to knit a scarf for someone – it’s gorgeous – just like knitting with a gossamer!
I love the Kidsilk Haze lace scarf. I am halfway through a pair of gloves in the same yarn and I’d like to knit a scarf for someone – it’s gorgeous – just like knitting with a gossamer!