Spring Cleaning

There are alot of posts out there talking about finishing up winter projects to make way for summer ones. Even a couple knitalongs.
I decided not to do a knitalong. I just don’t want to hear everyone starting on their first tank while I’m knee deep in wool! But it did inspire me to get serious about Rogue this weekend.
I finished the body:


and most of sleeve 1:

I probably would have finished the sleeve last night but I ran out of yarn and didn’t feel like winding another ball at 10 o’clock. Yes, I know, REALLY need to get that winder and swift.
So, in honor of spring cleaning, my sorta unofficial Rogue deadline is this weekend. It’s doable if I don’t let myself stray.
Monogamous knitting is so difficult.

3 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning

  1. Your Rogue is looking great, too! Thanks for stopping by my place. Finished the body and hood last night so on to the sleeves. It would be great to have it done this week. Here’s hoping we can do it!

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