Phew! It’s been a busy couple weeks around here, and sadly very little of it has been yarn-related.
Work has hit an all-time busy high but I can’t really complain. Busy means we’re bringing in business. But, getting up at 5am all week and not stopping except for eating breaks can put a real damper on your knitting blogging personal life.
With how infrequently I’ve been able to post lately, I’ve seriously considered bringing down the blog. What’s the point if I can’t even put together a single post in over a week’s time?
But truth is, I really enjoy it. I’ve come to realize there are 3 things I love about blogging:
- The friendships
- The sharing
- The journaling
In that order, too. There are so many great women that I’ve come in contact with because of the blog. So many great tips. So many funny stories. So, while I do certainly keep the blog to document my own hobby, I think it’s the commeraderie of all the talented, intelligent women that keep me coming back.
So, a big thank you to all of you who stop by here to read and share your thoughts. I’m so happy to have met all of you (even if I don’t always get the chance to personally respond to every comment).
Now that that’s over
In case there’s any doubt, I was able to fit in* MDSW last Saturday. Since the reviews have been a-flowin around the ring I’ll keep my update brief.
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Along the top is 500 yards of Brooks Farm Fiber for some kind of shawl/scarf/wrappy thing.
From left to right:
- Spectrum Wool Silk from Springwater Fiber Workshop. I visited them a couple weeks ago when I was in Alexandria. I was very taken by their yarn but I decided to hold off until the festival. I’m glad I did because the selection was much, much bigger. I have 426 yards for something scarf-like. It’s single ply and I’d like to find a pattern that shows it off well.
- Another Spectrum Wool Silk. I got 639 yards of the blue. I’m trying to diversify my color purchases. Can you tell? I always gravitate toward deep reds, oranges, and greens.
- Next up is Tess’ sock yarn in crazy rainbow variegated shades. I’m not sure if I’ll do socks or some kind of armwarmer. I’m big on the armwarmers. I made 2 pairs for this past winter and used them practically every day.
- All the way to the right in the big pic is Socks that Rock in the colorway Covelite. I was trying to find something subtly handdyed because I’m just not a big fan of spiraling. I think I’ll make socks out of this
- And finally, Regia Jubilee in the India colorway. I’ve had my eye on this colorway for months now but I haven’t found it in person. I hate to pay shipping for 1 ball of yarn so I snapped this up at the Mannings’ booth as soon as I saw it. I’m making long fingerless mitts out of this and I’ve already started.
What didn’t I get?
I really wanted some of Tess’ Cascade Silk in the finer weight (I think about 6spi?). But I didn’t have any luck finding something in blacks with either blue or purple. And believe me I tried — I visited 3 times!
A drop spindle. I’m just starting to get the hankering to try a little spinning. I don’t ever see myself spinning enough yarn for a sweater, but I would love to spin some cool yarn for accessories.
Lace books. I looked at several but I just couldn’t decide. I found a few beautiful patterns but mostly tablecloths. I don’t use lace tablecloths. Any other ideas for circular pieces of lace? If I can come up with a way to use them I’d gladly make them.
What else is new?
I’m back to dieting. I had gained back 15 of the 20 I lost last year and I have not been happy with myself. So once I got back from MDSW I got back on, and I’ve lost 5 pounds this week!
I’m doing a modified Atkins. Low carb, but watching saturated fats as well. I don’t feel so heavy and full after eating. My favorite new snack is a Thai-inspired cucumber salad. Really yummy and quick to make:
1 cucumber, peeled, seeded, and chopped into half-inch dice
1 tsp (approx) of finely diced onion. I prefer red because it gives a bit of color
Enough white vinegar to cover most of the cucumbers
Diced cilantro, maybe 2 Tb
Dash of salt and red pepper flakes
It’s crunchy, healthy, and a nice alternative to the neverending bowls of lettuce.
*fit in? what am i nuts? i’d been counting down to MDSW since January! nothing short of traction would have kept me away
That is a very lovely stash of yarn you picked up and better not leave us!
I was wondering what happened to you…nearly phoned you to see. Sure I could email, but I got you in cell now.
Great haul from MD. It was wonderful to see you again. I recognized some faces–at least one, maybe two–on Stella’s blog from our NYC meetup last summer.
Glad to hear work is so busy and you will be continuing to blog. Well said about why you blog.
It was great to see you at S&W even though I didn’t really get a chance to talk to you (I was more in the background of several conversations you had with others). I had a few moments of being really overwhelmed, so I kinda moved to the background.
You got a great haul from MD! Oh, and thanks for the recipe. We’re trying to eat better and I can only take so much salad!
It’s good to see you again.
Welcome back…regardless of how long between posts, we’ll still be around.
That salad sounds yummy, you bet i’m gonna try it.
You can’t go, I want to see you use that gorgeous yarn!
darn! was hoping to get a chance to chat with you at Sheep an Wool….
LOVELY choices you made.
Don’t give up blogging, please!
Everybody goes through stretches where posting is infrequent for awhile…
hang in there!
Don’t go away, I love your blog!
That’s some pretty stuff you bough at MDSW. I felt so overwhelmed by it all, that I didn’t by any yarn and now I’m regretting it. I went to the SWF Workshop the other day and didn’t see any of the stuff I saw at their booth! Grrr…
I did get a spindle; need to take a class now.
Good luck with your diet.
Glad you’re staying Jody! I would miss your blog a lot!!
Lovely stash enhancment there! I love your idea of using the Jubilee for arm warmers! I’m using the Taiga colorway right now for socks for my Dad…the Jubilee looks like dreck in the skein but it knits up beautifully! I especially love the Inda colorway that you’re using!
Hey J! Yeah, I’ve been off the blogging bandwagon, too – but hopefully I will have something up tonight…Hope you’re doing well – from your purchases, looks like you are!
Nice yarn for your stash. I bought tons of stuff myself. I saw a lot of people, but did not know if they were bloggers, although someone came up to me and ask if I was one. It seems I looked like someone who has a blog. Anyway, the MS&WF was very exciting. Next year, I plan to go early to partake in a workshop.
When work gets crazy, it’s hard to fit in time for exercise and a good healthy diet. I was working out a lot when I was unemployed but have done nothing since I started my new job 2 months ago. BTW, I got the exact same Brooks Farm colorway. I’m so anxious to make something lacy with it!
Coming out of comment-hiding to say i’m glad you’ve decided to stick around! Love your blog, even though I don’t comment!
Hi Jody! Lately it feels like everyone is tired of blogging and taking down their blogs. I am so glad you’re not going to do that! I love reading your blog, and I miss some of the others that are no longer in existence. You sure got some wonderful yarn and MDSW!! Glad to see you back!
I picked up the same tess sock yarn…I love that stuff..I can’t wait to knit with it…sigh. So many lovely things you bought…
Nice haul, Jody. I love all your colors.
Don’t give up on blogging, just take a break. This happens to everyone… I think it’s a little burnout.
Nice haul, Jody. I love all your colors.
Don’t give up on blogging, just take a break. This happens to everyone… I think it’s a little burnout.
Good to hear you chose to keep the blog. That yarn is very pretty indeed, can’t wait to see the shawl you make out of it.
That’s similar to my favorite cucumber snack: I thinly slice japanese or persian cucumber (no need to peel or seed, and so crisp), then add a bit of soy sauce, some pickled ginger, a bit of rice vinegar, and some sesame seeds. Really refreshing on a hot day.