sunrise in the North Atlantic
I’m back from the Caribbean. We took a cruise to the Bahamas, St. Thomas and St. Maarten. It was my favorite vacation ever. I am well-rested, well-fed and even a little bit tan.
And of course I fit in some knitting.
A few cruise highlights:
- Drinking in Nassau at 10:30 am in an outdoor bar with the Atlantic washing under the deck.
- Formal night — it’s so much fun to get dressed up!
- Surviving a crazy open air taxi tour in St. Thomas.
- Drinking Ti Punch from Boo Boo Jam on Orient Beach.
- Boning up on my geography. I now know where Mauritius can be found, and that Burma is also known as Myanmar.
- Knitting — on the balcony, on the deck while the sun rises, on a lounge chair while the sun sets.
I didn’t expect to get much knitting done — I thought it would be too humid. But the weather was perfect, and other than a 2 hour rain storm that opened up during our walk back to the ship, the sun was shining the entire 7 days we were away.
I finished the back of Norah Gaughan’s Shell Tank before realizing I left the cable pattern at home. No pics — it’s just a big black blob right now.
I also started Aranmor by Alice Starmore. I’m using Mission Falls Wool in a natural color. I’ve never used MF wool and am impressed with how soft it feels. An aran weight sweater grows quickly.

This will be a long-term project and I’ve given myself until October 2007 to finish it — before Rhinebeck would be great.
While I was away a lot of the warm weather patterns were released — IK Spring 2007, and Rowan 41. I have several that I really like and I’m not sure what to start first. I usually say I don’t like to knit for the warm weather, but after the cruise I feel a new-found interest in knitting warm weather garments (which is a good thing since I have a lot more summer weight yarn in my stash than I realized).

sunset in St. Maarten
Oooh, la, la. And here I was just thinking that it’s been a while since we’ve heard from SCK.
Off to Martinique myself at the end of March. Cannot. Wait.
Your vacation sounds awesome! I’m jealous
Love the St. Maarten pic! That vacation sounds awesome. So tell me – were you able to go off on your own or did you feel compelled to do group activities? I think a cruise sounds really nice but I worry that I’d just want to hole up and knit and ignore everything but my husband and the view.
Cables lookin’ good too….
Welcome back! Beautiful pics!
I used MF wool for the first time for my Red Scarf — ick!! Too squeaky! I’m kinda surprised you like it but the sweater is gorgeous!
Welcome home. I am so jealous of your vacation! It sounds wonderful.
Oooh, the Caribbean. I miss it sometimes. Glad you had a great time. Welcome back!
sounds like a lovely vacation, sorry you have to come back to such impending bad weather! the aran looks great, i really like the cabling pattern
Oh, it sounds like a wonderful warm getaway!! The Shell Tank will be a great warm weather item…
sounds like a fun vacation! god, i could really use some downtime and sun right about now.
i’ve always wanted to knit with MF wool. i really enjoyed the cotton, but it’s not for every project with its nubbiness.
Glad to hear you had fun. You chose a pretty cable pattern for your Aran.
lovely vacation. did everyone play nice?
This is the perfect time for vacation- just when the winter really starts to weigh on you…
Lovely picures…
Welcome home! What a perfect vacation. Try to keep that relaxed glow about you as long as you can.
By chance did you wash your swatch? I ask this because I knit a sweater in Missions falls only to find out that it streched out terribly when washed. I should have a) knit it on smaller needles and b) had a clothes dryer to shrink in back into shape. Hopefully you were smarter than I was, live and learn!
Your vacation looks wonderful–I’ve got a raging icestorm at the moment.
hey! we were in st. maarten at the same time! i was there for the week as opposed to a cruise port (although many years ago i was there for a day via a cruise). i wonder if we were at Orient the same day? Now THAT would have been a blog story, eh, running into each other?
Welcome back! Gorgeous pics!
Yangon bankok myanmar
Yangon bankok myanmar
Map of maps myanmar
Map of maps myanmar
Map of maps myanmar
home calculator morgage