Alright, that’s enough for one week!
I did five full days, and my mom even came over for two if those days. And would you believe it — I didn’t get as much done as I thought I would get done in two or three days?
I did get a lot done though. The weeding is almost totally done — which I’ve learned the hard way needs to be done early if it’s going to be manageable.
Some of the highlights:

a finished vegetable garden

the herb garden

the parterre garden
You can view the full set on flickr.
After five days of garden work, I’m looking forward to three days of knitting. I’ll be taking a walk down to my LYS to check out some Euroflax Linen for Kat Coyle’s skirt from Knit Cafe that Lolly pointed out. I have the same concerns that many of you have about knitted skirts but I think I need to try one myself. I love to wear airy skirts to work or out on the weekend and I love the flouncy bottom on this one.
And after I get back from the LYS I’ll be making up a batch of my favorite sangria recipe (I use a little less spiced rum and pineapple orange banana juice instead), and putting a barbecue brisket on the grill (it should make the neighbors hungry too!).
Now this is what a vacation is supposed to be about.
backyard = jealous brenda. *sigh* i long for a back yard. and a garden!! i will live vicariously through you
have a great weekend!
wow. truly inspirational. you did an amazing job! my veggie garden is a lot like yours, but just not quite as high. I love the herb garden.
Delurker here. Your garden is gorgeous – very inspiring! I might have to make a garden to-do list myself, before it gets too hot outside to do anything (I’m in FL – it gets hot early here!).
Your garden is just gorgeous!! A gift to yourself that you will enjoy all summer. You’ve inspired me to get out there in mine, which is partly done and awaiting more attention. Have a great BBQ and enjoy your knitting and your mom.
Gorgeous, Jody! I am going to try to use this to inspire me to make a dent in the yardwork I need to do this weekend.
Wow the garden looks great! That skirt is very cute…hmmm….
wow! that’s a lot of work! congrats on getting it done
WOW!!! I love the columbine! I love it all, actually! Come to my house! I’ve got a yard that desperately needs attention! ha!
Relax this weekend – you deserve it!
That is *beautiful*, and I am full of envy.
I am insanely jealous of your garden. It’s beautiful! When I get home from the office (Shh! Office computer misuse!) I’m going to really look at your images. They’re an inspiration
I like your japanese maple, I have always had a soft spot for them. Over all, veeery organized and neat. Must be a very beautiful garden IR. My garden looks like a part of wildlife in comparation.
Beautiful garden! Very inspiring pictures.
Ok, I just went and looked through your flickr pics. Wow! I am amazed at how you have transformed you backyard. So much hard work and love, and you have such a delightful little retreat now. Just gorgeous! Brava!
Wow. Awesome job!
Oh my gosh your garden is beautiful! You’re so lucky to have all that space to play in. =)
It looks fabulous!!! Dang, I wanna come over and hang out at your place this evening.
It’s looking good! Now enjoy knitting outside in your pretty garden
Your garden is glorious Jody! All your hard work seems to be well worth it – I wish I had a garden like yours!
Beautiful work on the yard! I just love it! I wish I had more yard to play with, but I make do
And yea for skirts! I am a little concerned about the hips, but otherwise, I think it is a great idea. Why not give it a try? Glad you liked it!
Yeah! It looks great! Enjoy the knitting.
The force is strong with this one.
Great garden!!!! A parterre is so classy!
Everything looks beautiful! I hope you’re enjoying your last couple of days vacation. I didn’t realize you were that close to the LYS. I tend to be down there on Sundays fairly frequently, so if you ever want to get together, let me know.
Wow! Looking good! It’s going to look great when it’s all done. I love the vegetable garden!
Amazing! You are amazing. Incredible job. I can’t imagine how fabulous it is going to look once it is all done. Bravo!
The garden looks gorgeous! I hope you’re enjoying it in the beautiful weather we’re having
It looks great! I’m full of envy for your backyard.
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