First off, a big thank you to everyone who commented on my garden! I can’t tell you how exciting and motivational it was to get all those comments. I saw all the things I still hadn’t done — and you all showed me all the things I *had* done. Thank you! So, today is the […]
Done (for now)
Alright, that’s enough for one week! I did five full days, and my mom even came over for two if those days. And would you believe it — I didn’t get as much done as I thought I would get done in two or three days? I did get a lot done though. The weeding […]
where’d the time go?
That’s what I have left to do to finish the garden. I’ve worked 4 straight days, and I’ve promised myself to do whatever I want (knitknitknit) on Friday through Sunday (minus a little time out with Mom and the family for Mother’s Day this weekend). There’s no chance I’ll get all of this done today […]
MDSW 2007
Another year came and went! It’s interesting to see how my perspective on the festival changes over the years. My first year, all I bought were 2 balls of Regia sock yarn. The two years after that were big splurge years. And then this year was more deliberate and subdued. Both made for a much […]
free yarn!
Did I get your attention? Good! While many of us are on a high with MDSW coming up this weekend, I thought I’d let you in on how you can help a great cause and get yourself in the running for some great yarn too. Seriously great yarn — Tess and Socks That Rock. If […]
That’s the number of days until MDSW. This will be my fourth year going, and it feels like it got here quicker than in the past — mostly because I finally went to Rhinebeck last year. That was such a good time that Christy, Heather and I have already booked our cottage for this year’s […]