At work lately I’ve been doing mostly proposals, sales pitches, powerpoint presentations and marketing materials. It got me to thinking about all the cheesy things people say and all the silly abbreviations they make up when trying to sell something, and well, since I haven’t had much time to knit I thought I’d make up […]
Afterthought Heel
In yesterday’s comments, Melanie asked what an afterthought heel was. Rather than just respond to her, I thought I’d post it here in case anyone else was curious too. An afterthought heel is a heel that’s knitted into the sock after the sock has been knitted. OK, I know the sock that I posted yesterday […]
New Knitalong in Town
I need to join another KAL like I need a hole in my head. But I couldn’t resist joining the new Knitting on the Road KAL. I’ve had the book for quite a while and I’ve yet to make a pair of socks from it. I’d knit almost any pair out of that book (with […]
How Do You Knit Socks?
Although I spent most of my weekend working on the house (more to come on this in a later post) I was able to get in some knitting time on Sunday afternoon. This is my pretty basic sock, but I did an afterthought heel instead of a short row heel. I wanted the colors to […]
Two Too’s
too big too much On the left is the beginning of a knee high sock. Inspired by Pioggia’s wonderful knee highs (link to the knee highs themselves to come — I can’t seem to find them on her site right now). added later Here are Pioggia’s knee highs. Aren’t they great? Anyway, I bought 5 […]
I was inspired by Carrie’s Trinity Shawl (secret project number 3). I’ve been looking for a project to match up with my Millefili Fine and that shawl looked like a great fit. I knit up a swatch and I loved the look, but the pattern was a bit of a pain to knit. Similar to […]