I know many of us are less than thrilled with Rowan 38. The one I just can’t stop thinking about is this one — the River Stole. The pic is bad so I charted out the lace so I could get a good idea of what it was like — and I like it even […]
Blame It On Ei
I blogged about Butterfly back in February. I knew I’d eventually make it but now that it’s August I thought I’d wait until early next year. But once I saw Ei’s Finished Butterfly I just couldn’t wait any longer. So I ran out yesterday morning and bought some KSH in Jelly — a green that’s […]
I got Rowan 38 today — at quite a steal no less! I didn’t even realize it until I was driving home but the woman rang up the wrong item and only charged me 8 bucks for the mag! I don’t feel so terrible though because I did buy a bunch of yarn and a […]
Now That I Have A Plan…
OK, so it sounds like clear elastic and some good 1×1 ribbing is the way to go. Anyone know where I can get some clear elastic?
I’m Getting There!
I’m done with the increases and I have 3 or 4 inches left on the knee high. The self-patterning did get narrower but I still think it looks OK. Now I’m trying to decide how to finish off the top. The options I’m considering are: Keep knitting straight and do 1.5 inches of ribbing to […]
Airy Cardigan
I bought some mohair on eBay. I like the yarn, but the color is VERY different from what I had expected. It was described as light violet and looked like a pale blue in the pics. I think I was sent the wrong yarn. I thought I would make the best of it but I’m […]