The socks are done!

Pattern: No real pattern. Tubular cast on, an inch of 1×1 rib, 5 inches of 2×2 rib, plain stockinette for an inch, Japanese short-row heel and a basic toe with the last few decreases done every row.
Yarn: Lion Brand Wool-Ease
Gauge: 5.5 spi — much tighter than what’s specified. This makes a nice dense sock that’s still cushy and warm.
Needles: 2 Addi Turbo 4 mm (US #6) Circulars
They’re warm. I’m a happy knitter!
The official kickoff for the KAL was yesterday. I’ve done about 4 inches on the sleeve but something is bothering me. The pattern specifies keeping the selvedge stitches in garter. I don’t usually do this but I thought I’d give it a try. I don’t like the look though.
Then I realized this may actually make mattress stitching much more difficult — right? So, I’m considered frogging this bit of progress and just doing a regular selvedge. If anyone has a better idea or a comment on the garter edge please let me know.
Blocking Wires
So I’m defintiely obsessed with lace now, and it’s no longer a question of when I’ll start another lace project but rather which one. I don’t think I’ll last past this weekend!
Since I had trouble finding a large enough spot for the Hanging Vines scarf I was considering blocking wires. But the longest wire I could find is 36 inches. Do you overlap them when the item is longer? I’ve searched around the major lace knitting sites I knew of — Heartstrings and Fiddlesticks for example — as well as checking out A Gathering of Lace. I can’t find any example of blocking larger scale pieces with the wires. Is there a better way?
Love those socks.
Hi Jody. I NEVER use a garter stitch selvedge. I have done it the past and I find it much harder to seam that way.
Most of the shawls I’ve done have had at least one side that was longer than the blocking wires I was using. I just used two on those sides and overlapped an inch or so.
Sets from Fiddlesticks seem to have a lot of pieces, which would work great for extra long items.
How do you do a “japanese shortrow heel”? and the socks look SOOOOOO nice and warm!!!
The socks look great! I’m so jealousy you started Mariah!! I want to start so badly, but I’m forcing myself to wait. See you tonight!!
Jody, The socks look perfect! Re: Mariah: I’m doing Mariah too (who could resist)! I am keeping my selvedge stitch in stockinette–always do, fo rthe resaon you mentioned. Also, I’m doing the increases in pattern (K2P1 rib) rather than straight stockinette. Will I be sorry? Maybe!! But the sleeves are so FUN I’ll just reknit them!
I definitely prefer the stockinette selvedge.
If you’re looking for blocking wires, you could also check out Zonta dressing wires. I’ve heard good things about the wires themselves, and the project “raises funds for international service projects that help improve the status of women around the world.”
for blocking large bits of lace I use piano wire. It’s under $2 for 4 40″ pieces and can be grabbed at any hobby store that caters to model builders (especially RC aircraft). What I end up doing is overlapping about 4-6 inches of wire while blocking. MUCH less expensive way to go.
Hi Jody!
Had to leave you a note ~ I’m knitting the Natalya gauntlets with some bluefaced leicester/alpaca yarn I spun up. Love them! It’s a beautiful pattern.
Hey, did you get my note about sending you some dyes? Let me know if you’re interested!
Nice socks! And thanks to La for the piano wire tip — I’ve heard people mention using wires for some type of welding fabrication as well — they don’t rust and are muy cheapo.
Those are some great socks! They look so comfy!
Hey, how did you get that great patterned background? Are you a fancy upgraded typepad user?
Hmm, you might be right about the selvedge. I haven’t started my Mariah yet, but I’ll be interested to see which way the more experience knitters go! What would the rationale be for keeping the selvedge in garter? There must be a reason?
I’m one who always keep the selvedge stitches in garter even if not called for. I don’t know how it happened but I’ve always been doing that and I have no problem with the mattress stitch seaming.
I’m doing the selvedges in garter just because I’ve never done it that way, so I figured I’d use this as my chance to try it out and see how I liked it. I’m not to the point of sewing yet, but getting close, so I’ll post my opinion on my blog.
How do I use blocking wires for a shawl?