Coming home to 2 packages of yarn on Friday was just the way to start my wonderful weekend.
Friday, Stella came over. We ordered in sandwiches and knitted the whole night. We seem to have started this semi-regular Friday night get together and it’s really nice and relaxing. We put on some Tivo and chat and before you know it it’s 1 AM!
Saturday, Katy came down to visit Christy and myself. We had a great time. We visited Rosie’s and Sophie’s and the only thing I bought was a pattern pamphlet. Yay! No new stash enhancement Afterwards we went back to Christy’s place and Michelle made awesome Apple Cookies. Not applesauce cookies, but cookies with chunks of apple in them and a sugary frosting on top (I had planned to show you a pic, but well, they’re all gone).
We were all having such a good time that we ate dinner right through Katy’s train! Luckily there was one an hour later so it wasn’t too bad. It was great to have a day with just girlfriends. I haven’t done that in quite a few weeks.
Yesterday I woke up and had the urge to cook, so I made a pot of meatballs and sauce. These were no average meatballs. They were amazing. I’ve been tweaking my meatball recipe for quite some time now and I finally got it right.

I also made Bruschetta and chocolate chip cookies. Even though this was quite a bit of cooking I did get some more time in on Zipo.

That’s 2 full balls out of the 13 needed for the whole sweater. I have 15 days to knit another 11 balls, plus I need to knit one more Sockapalooza sock by next weekend. Zipo is a lot of fun to knit though and I still think I can make it. I love the way the painted ASC looks in the reverse stockinette stitch and the slip stitch “ribbing” is pretty cool too.
Mmm…next time we are eating at your house! Paul’s sweater looks great.
I have no doubt you will finish it all. Thanks again Jody. I had a terrific time.
Yummmmmm. How wonderful you all got together. Sounds like fun!
All the foodstuffs is making me hungry!
The sweater is looking great…I have no doubt that you’ll finish it. I made the Cruise from that ASC book and finished it in a week and a half. I’m by no means a fast knitter, so I know you can do it!!! It’s awesome how excited he is!!!
You’re racing ahead, it’ll be done in no time.
That’s the best compliment a girl can ask for! Congrats!
Nothing like high praise from a loved one to encourage you to stay on task!
Those cookies look amazing. Seriously, the picture is like one from a cookbook!
It was great to see you this weekend!
Those cookies look amazing. Seriously, the picture is like one from a cookbook!
It was great to see you this weekend!
that’s hard to believe