Yup, the cowl’s done. All I have is a few hours worth of sleeve knitting and this will be totally done!
If all goes well I’ll be able to wear it out to dinner tomorrow night.
I never thought that’d be possible two weeks ago when I cast on. Imagine how much I could get done if I was this focused all the time!
Congratulations! You certainly seem to stay more focused than I do.
so does it fit like you want it to fit? such pretty yarn!! I wish I had gotten that color at webs but well I have SO MUCH in that color right now.
It looks fabulous. Can’t wait to see it on you!
Wow, woo hoo! I love the mods you made to make the cowl fit closer. I can’t wait to see how it worked out. Enjoy it!
It’s lovely – classic and elegant!
Such a beautiful knit – love the heathery look of the yarn, Jody! Can’t wait to see more 😉
so cute! and i love the color too!
That looks great! I love it in the tweedy yarn. And thanks for the tips on the mods. This is near on my to-do list…and I will keep them in mind!
Lookin good! It’s going to be cute…
It’s lovely Jody! Enjoy it’s first outing
Good for you for finishing!
I really like that. Great job.
Wow! That looks awesome!

And two weeks????
You. Are. ON FIRE.
that I think is the worlds best thing about top down knitting. Cant wait to see it on!
Cannot wait to see pictures. Jody, that color is gorgeous. Can’t wait to see Saffy too…
Ok Girlfriend. Call me up on the BatPhone and tell me what you did…
That’s what I found so amazing about the Knitting Olympics, or when I travel – incredible how much I can get done when I’m only working on that.
Looks great.