While ruminating on Heidi yarn I decided to go for something a bit different. The right Heidi yarn is out there, I just haven’t found it yet.
While at the LYS this weekend I found some Classic Elite Four Seasons. Y’all probably know how much I love Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece. Well this might just be the classier cousin from up the road. The yarn has a bit more wool in it (30% instead of 25%) and the plies are much tighter. It reminds me of a slighter lighter weight All Seasons Cotton. The recommended gauge is 4.5 or 5 SPI.
This past week I haven’t had much time to really knit (the yard project continues in earnest) but I have had time to play around with stitch patterns. The eyelets you see in the pic are for the sleeves. The front and back are plain — the sleeves give it plenty of interest. I have a little something planned for later on as well, but I haven’t quite figured out the details so I’m going to hold off sharing it for now.
The gauge knits up really fast, and I’m hopeful I’ll have this one off the needles before Spring ends (it’s the first real spring we’ve had here in years, and I’d like to have another handknit top to wear during it).
Hmmm…me against mother nature. Care to wager any bets on this one?
I’m not gonna wager, but I hope you win. If nothing else, I’d love the spring to last, well, ’til July…
I’m at the very end of my Green Gable, but am in the process of ripping out the last few inches for the second time. Too long, needs more shaping, ribbing cast-off too tight, blah blah blah. I thought this would be a quick knit!
Looks lovely so far Jody! Hurry! Hurry!
Well, technically, you have until the Solstice in late June… you can make it! I love the color!
Which LYS? I’d like to check out the yarn when I get a chance. Thanks.
Ooh, I’m about to start my GG and I wish I’d known about the Four Seasons. Oh, well. My trouble is that, despite having umpteen badillion circular needles, I don’t have two of the lengths required for this project, so I’m stalled out. Argh.
I’d love for spring to stretch on… but here in Minneapolis it’s supposed to hit 90F on Sunday, so I’m not that hopeful for spring’s chances…
I love that idea for the sleeves. It’s going to be a gorgeous top in that color!!
Plenty of time . . . looks like a good yarn. Splitty-ness is my big complaint with Cotton Fleece.
There’s still time and you’re a very committed knitter, so I’m betting on your side.
As weird as the weather has been it may be hard to tell when spring ends and summer starts, but I bet you can do it! Can’t wait to see what you come up with.
You are the Knitting Goddess, remember? You can do it!
Can’t wait to see it!
My money is on you.
Memorial Philly weekend!
Wow I love the colour of that yarn! It’s fabulous! I’m bookmarking your blog as I really want to see the finished project!
I’m also playing a game with other bloggers…it’s called Hide and Go Blog and you can read about it here. http://www.knit-wit.blog-city.com/hideandgoblog.htm.
You’ll know why I’m writing ‘nyah nyah nyah (d)’ then!
Mmm… beautiful ocean-y color!