I’ve been sketching a lot of cables and knotwork lately, so it seemed logical to me to focus on fall knits. I know, warm weather knits can have cables too, but really…do you want to wear extra yarn on your body when it’s over 100 degrees outside?

So, I knit up this swatch. It’s got to be the biggest swatch I’ve ever knitted! It’s in Bemidji Original Homespun — a nice, undyed yarn that’s similar in weight to Cascade 220, but similar in colorways to Cascade Eco Wool. It’s a 4 ply yarn and there’s a bit of vegetative matter in it — nothing to rival Noro though.
I love the range of natural colors and could see any of them working up into a beautiful cabled sweater.
The best part though — it’s only $4.95 for a 225 yard hank. Not bad for a yarn that shows up cables this nicely.
It is beautiful! I love cable work. One day, I hope to be able to design my own, just like you did. It is really, really nice. Any projects in mind for it?
Oh my gosh, that’s beautiful! I’ve never seen a closed cable like that, what an amazing design. I think you should do more hand-designed knitwear with your cables! I’d buy a pattern. =)
As a fellow Philadelphian, I hope you’ll take it at a compliment when I say that is a pretzel-ific cable! I love it!
Lovely! What kind of sweater are you planning?
lovely cables! you can do so much with them that i often forget about how lovely they can be.
Great cable design. I also love Bemidji Homespun. I have brown and gray here. When I first started to order it some years ago it was $2.50 right from them but $4.00 in my LYS. Still a good price for a very nice yarn.
Great swatch! I admitted today that I’m skipping summer knits this year. There’s two of us who are focusing on fall.
Beautiful cables!!!! I’m sticking to socks this summer – it’s been too darn hot!
Oh, that is just fantastic. I love that you shared with us too!!
Love the cable pattern!
Wow! Your “swatch” is amazing! Can’t wait to see how you work it into a garment.
Beautiful design! It would be great in a garment or accessory…
Love the cabling – what are you thinking it will be when it grows up?
What a lovely swatch! Gorgeous. I think that Littleknits.com had Eco Wool on discount at some point; if you need more you might check there. Can’t wait to see what you’ve got up your sleeve.
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