I’ve been so focused on Rhinebeck knitting that I’ve hardly looked at anything else. Last night, while looking for something to cure my knitting ennui I checked all my WIPs. 9 pairs of socks.
9 pairs of socks that I cast on in excitement.
9 pairs of socks that I’d love to wear this fall.
9 pairs of socks that are holding up 9 pairs of circs.
Hmm…maybe that’s why I had to buy 5 more pairs of socks circs a couple months back? Go figure.
Let’s take a peek at all the beautiful socks.
Bella – I designed these for Knotions and (a la Cookie A) only knit one before publishing the pattern. I love the look and expected to finish the second one quickly. But that was in 2009 so we know how that one went.
Tufted Diamonds – Another sock in designed for Knotions. I feel a little more justified with this UFO though since I knit a full pair of knee highs for the pattern, plus 1.5 crew socks. Knit in Regia Silk, I’d love to wear these!
Bifrost – I started these for a class I was teaching on 2 socks at a time. I don’t like knitting 2 socks at a time. I haven’t touched these since I finished the class. They’re knit out of the highly sought-after Trekking 100.
Broadripple – Knit in the super-soft Knit Picks Felici. Love the colors! Hate knitting the pattern. I haven’t ripped these because I want to find another pattern and rip and re-cast on right away. If I rip and put it back in my stash I fear it will become “old”. Ever have that feeling?
Rainbow Stripes – I have 1 sock done and one to the heel. I don’t love knitting the stripes though. I just need to sock it up and knit the rest. These will be some awesome socks.
Bubble Stream – Another beautiful pair of socks. I’m done with one and cast on for the second. Three years ago.
Medallion – Beautiful socks. Hate the yarn – it’s too splitty. I’ll likely frog these and donate the yarn. It’s sad because we bought this yarn on our honeymoon but knitting honeymoon yarn that sucks? Even more sad.
Tara – Beautiful cables. Awesome yarn for cables. Old pic – I’m almost through the gussets. I’m not feeling motivated to work on this right now but I know it’ll come back again.
Happy Socks – In some very Jody shades of pink, purple and a little orange thrown in for variety. I like having a pair of plain vanillas around to pick up whenever I need. I last knit on these in the waiting room at the dentist’s a couple weeks ago.
So there you have it – 9 pairs of WIP socks spanning over 4 years. Any bets how many I’ll finish before the end of the year? I have my prediction. It’ll be fun to see how close I come.
I’ll catch you on the purl side.
I hope your prediction is 9! That is mine. Well maybe not a prediction but a burst of positive thinking. I think if you wanting to, you could finish them all. Maybe not the Broad Ripple. You should frog them and then immediately cast on.
Then again..it is me after all giving “advice” on finishing things-heh!
I love every single one of these socks, especially the Happy socks.
I’m not even sure which one is my favourite — I love them all. I’m predicting realistically that you’ll finish 4 before the year is over. I say frog the ones that aren’t “callin’ your name” then finish the rest!
Maybe you will finish them all since they are already started! They all look good so far! I’d start with the ones that still need more work! Towards the end, it would go faster! Strategy, strategy 😉
oh dear. Well, why not start with the one(s) you know you want to frog? That’ll cut the number down and maybe it will feel SLIGHTLY less daunting. Then maybe start on the one you’re the closest to finishing.
I think WIPs are almost better than starting a new project because you are part way to a finished project!
I usually start at the oldest and move my way forward. Something about getting a really old WIP done makes me feel more accomplished.
I have to say I am truly impressed that you have enough circulars in the same size to be able to cast on for nine pairs of socks.
My guilty needle hoarde is several 3mm Addi Lace needles.
I say frog those you are not in love with, after all you made good points on why you don’t like them and there’s nothing worse than having WIPs you really don’t like or care for. My prediction is you will finish the rest
I say to frog the ones you don’t like (Medallion e.g.), and separate the Bifrosts onto two needles. Then, pick a sock WIP, any WIP, and leave it in your car or “go”-bag. Every time you leave your house, that’s the project that gets worked on. On a trip, in a waiting room, in line at dmv, wherever. The socks will get finished eventually, you will get to work on your new exciting project(s) when you’re at home, you will never be stuck without something to knit, and you will feel virtuous, I’m sure. I have done this with some old projects, and I find it so much less painful than giving up “real” knitting time at home. And socks, sheesh, the ultimate portable project. Go for it!
You’ve got a nice selection of socks on the go there. They all look great to me, such a diversity of patterns. Here’s hoping you’ll have 9 pairs ready for the winter
Nice socks – fingers crossed you get some second socks made!