Wow it’s already February! The months they fly by, don’t they?
Another first of the month means another check in…
Goals – 2015
- Knit 6 pairs of Mystery KAL socks – I’m on schedule – I’ve knit one sock from my first pair. The mystery is definitely helping – I’ve had this yarn in my stash for several years but I keep passing it up.
- Knit 3 things from stash for the Stash Down KAL – I finished my Weigh It Shawl a couple weeks back – 1 done, 2 more to go.
- Finish Paul’s Chicago Bears socks – they were his 2013 socks and I never even started his 2014 socks. I’m a bad, bad wife. No progress on that one yet.
- Finish Paul’s Pismo hat – he loved his last one and he deserves a new one. I guess I’m not too terrible of a wife because the whole hat is k1tbl, p1 ribbing. Oy. No progress on this one either – but it’s sure been cold enough to wear.
- Finish Raspberry Tart – I’m less than a full sleeve away. You guessed it – nothing on this one either.
- Add other colors to my knitting – yellow and maybe some blue or green. I did branch out with the Lucy Cowl.
- Post twice a week for the next 3 months – January is a tough month to start because I need to plan photography on the weekends – but I’m working my way up.
- Post more recipes and nutrition info – I did exactly zero in January. I said my goal was 2 per month, but I’m going to pull that down and start with one.
- Make 20 comments per week on other blogs – I started off the month strong but then work intervened.
- FitBit – Um, it’s still in the package.
- Eat Well – I’m not doing the Gluten Free any more – I just didn’t feel any different. And let’s face it – GF is HARD. I still need to eat better but I’m getting back into the swing of things…slowly.
- Lose 8 pounds – I lost .8 pounds this month. Not great, but at least it’s in the right direction
Goals – throughout the year
- Check in each month – assess, acknowledge and adjust. Doing it right now.
- Make an editorial calendar – Nada (yet).
So, for January I’d say I did decent. I’m happy to have an FO to show for it, and happy to use some stash sock yarn.
February Goals
- Make Sock #2 for the Mystery KAL
- Knit another FO out of stash yarn – this month’s challenge is Warm the Soul for the KAL. I have about 20 ideas..
- Work on 2 UFOs
- Write the damn Editorial Calendar
- Get that freaking FitBit out of the box and on my waistband.
- Lose 2 pounds – this might be too much since we’re going away for a long weekend. So I’m putting it on my list but I’m not feeling sold on this one.
How are your goals going? Feeling good? Need to adjust? Hitting them out of the park?
Adore this post!!!
It has inspired me to sit down and work out all my goals for thee next months especially as all my personal resolutions for the new year have gone by the wayside!
I am so stupidly in love with that weigh it down shawl!! I’ve never knitted a shawl before and that yarn is to die for! Will have to try and get hold of that yarn! X
The Weigh It shawl is great! I’ve never made such a heavy shawl though – I think one in worsted weight is enough for me. It would be easy enough to convert it to other weights so I’ve been thinking about that.
And I agree – Perfectly Wreckless is awesome!
Thank you for sharing!
Here are mine:
1. Stretch every day
2. Focus on my WIPs for Stash Down KAL/CAL
3. Find more time for reading
Ooh the stretching is a really good one! I might have to steal that!
I would say considering the magnitude of your goals, you are doing swimmingly. Good luck with February…I have no doubts that you will succeed!
Thanks! I’m really trying to set goals that are attainable but stretch me a bit too.
The socks are fun – lovely, happy colours.
I’m always impressed by how you take a goal, turn it into a plan and then act upon it. I need to take a leaf out of your book.
Work is nutty for me this year… so for goals I simply told myself that all work and no play makes Sam a dull girl. I.e. make sure I am getting some crafting and blogging in each week. Other than that, I also want to lose some of the pounds I’ve been accumulating in recent years. I need to start taking action there.
Make small goals for each week or month. Chunk it out so it seems less daunting. And if you miss a month don’t let it throw you. Learn from it – either it was too lofty or you need to better plan.
You can do it! Just think about how great it’ll feel at the end of the year!
So many goals, so little time. 11 months left! I say pinpoint the really important ones and attack them.
Agreed! Focus is key. I keep reminding myself that lots of little achievements add up to a lot at the end of the year.
If I had a fit bit, it would still be in the box too. Love the socks.
Haha that makes me feel better
I did take it out yesterday after posting this. I get so little movement in during the winter. I think the treadmill is going to be my friend. And damn I hate that thing.
Love your sock! The colors are so cheerful!
Good luck for your goals!