I got most of my eBay yarn purchase from Over the Rainbow yesterday. They’re even more gorgeous in person! I’m so glad I went with a grab bag for one of the purchases. I liked the mix of yarns, but I didn’t love every one of them in the pic. It seems to have gotten my creative juices flowing though, and trying to decide what to do with them has been fun.
Here’s the yarn again:

The leftmost yarn – the darker boucle – is probably my fav. It’s far richer in person. The rightmost boucle – the pastel/bright one – has been making me think a bit though. Originally I thought I’d knit it up into a scarf for my mom. But the lime is too strong and I don’t think she’d like it. I, however, think of My Little Pony when I look at the colors. I thought about mixing in white but again, the pastel-ness of it would be accentuated and that’s not what I’m looking for. So then I thought, what about black?
I could hold the black and boucle together, or stripe them – 4 rows black, 2 rows boucle – or, what else? I’m thinking it will become a scarf with maybe matching fingerless gloves with the boucle as just an accent around the wrists. What do you think?
Fingerless gloves
For the glove pattern, I’m considering Hooray For Me Gloves by Marnie MacLean. I like how she made the stubs different colors and I can see using handpainted yarn to get a similar effect. So, I think the 2 center fingering weight wool hanks will become gloves. I’ve been eyeing fingerless gloves for almost a year now. But something about DPNing those finger stubs that has kept me away from trying them out. That is, until I read Marnie’s suggestion about double knitting them. I think that’s a fabulous idea! They can all be on a single needle. I’ve never done double knitting but it seems straightforward enough. There’s a good article on doubleknitting at knitty.
Summer knitting?
I just re-read my post and realized there’s some irony in writing about scarves and gloves on a hazy, hot and humid day that’s supposed to reach into the 90s.
I blame it on the yarn…
I made the Hoover blanket last summer. Double knitting will be a snap for you! You can totally do it!
looks good enough to eat!
looks good enough to eat!
Hi there-
Double knitting. Hmmmm. My minds eye cannot imagine it. I would love to see a sample of it. Hoping you can bring it with you next Monday. Woweee your secret pal is very generous! You got all that kewl stuff. Enjoy!! All your projects look great.
missed you last night!!!!!
who is very forgetful!
Blame it on the yarn…the blogs and the process. It’s all lovely.
It is lovely! I am going to head over to Ebay to check out those yarns. Thanks for the link!
They Hooray for Me gloves look great. I’ve got fingerless gloves on my list as a project for this year. But I, too, haven’t picked out a pattern yet. Hmmm. These look cool.