After I wrote about the Perfection Leaf Lace yesterday, I just couldn’t get my mind off of it.
I needed to do some work, but I really wanted to make it into an all-over lace pattern. How cool would it be to make a wrap with those scalloped edges along both sides?
I played with some graph paper for a while, moved around some K2togs and SSKs. I think I’m close. Here’s a closeup of one repeat. The swirlies are going in the right direction, and both edges have that scallop (I know it’s hard to tell, but believe me it’s there).
I may still need to move around a couple of the YOs but that remains to be seen. I lost count on the next to last row of this swatch and I’m off by one stitch. At first I thought it was my chart but the chart’s right. So, I’ll cast on again tonight, knit up 3 repeats and see what I get. I can’t wait!
Have a great weekend, everyone! Hopefully I’ll post on Monday with my beautiful new wrap-in-progress!
looking awesome! i really love that shade of green. i have 2 large skeins of some hand-me-down yarn from a friends gramma, that is the perfect green! im still trying to figure out what to do with it. that wrap is going to be gorgeous!
Wow, I can’t imagine trying to make up lace. I’ve tried, but about 5 minutes into it, I gave up and went in search of stitch pattern books. I know you’re basing your design on another, but still, good job! I also just realized that I had a The List post on my blog the day after yours. Didn’t mean to rip you off, so sorry, however imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, is it not? :-).