I couldn’t hold out any longer. Last night wihile knitting on Clapotis I decided to drop all the stitches. See?
I love it! The drape is wonderful and I continue to be amazed at how special such a simple pattern can be.
I think I spent 10 minutes in front of the bathroom mirror last night draping it a variety of ways. It’s so much fun and I can really see why people say they plan on making more than one.
I’m using Over The Rainbow’s 50/50 silk/merino yarn in the colorway Nite Rainbow. It’s the same yarn that Kate is using. Kate mentioned a few days ago that she ran out of yarn after 9 straight repeats, so I’ve been concerned that I’d run out too. I’m done with 6 and still have a lot left but I’m still crossing my fingers that I don’t run out.
I don’t think I ever showed you the gauntlet (note — singular usage) I made for Kelly for Christmas. Here she is:

I’m calling her Natalya. The gauntlet took a little more than half a hank of Classic Elite Lush. I’ve been working on finishing up gauntlet number two when I noticed last night that I messed up a cable way down toward the end. I’ve been doing the crossovers every 4 rows but on one of them I did it at 4.5 rows — so one half looks fine and the other half is elongated. I remember thinking at one point that a cable looked too tight. It must have been after that row because that would have only been three rows later. This gets back to yesterday’s post — trust your instincts!!!
So I need to frog most of it and fix the cable

On a positive note I really like the way these turned out. I’ve kept track of the pattern and have started writing it up. Let me know if you’re interested and I can post it when I’m done.
Hi, I’ve been lurknig for a bit but didn’t commented…until I saw the Gauntlet. I would love for you to post the pattern. Does it start at the fingers or the arm? Are there cables on the palm too? What size needles?
I like your colorway better then mine, I’m jealous! I’m hoping the rest of my yarn arrives today so I can finish soon, only 2 more rpeats to go then I finally get to decrease. Sounds like you will be fine on yarn. I was definitely stressing by the time I got to my 6th repeat.
Your clapotis is gorgeous and I absolutely love the gauntlets and would love to see the pattern sometime!
Me. I want the pattern. Possibly right now in the beta version. Hurry!
I’ll join the chorus of loving those gauntlets. They’re beautiful!
Love how your Clapotis is coming along, too. What needle size are you using on that yarn? It’s very tempting to purchase…
Besides loving both the Clapotis and the gauntlet, I like your new design here! Very fresh.
YES! Please post the pattern for the gauntlet. I love how the cables extend to the fingers.
Dropping down all of the stitches is considered cheating? I thought that’s what you were supposed to do! I drop each column down after I finish row 8.
It’s not going fast enough for me to wait until the very end to finish dropping them all!
I love your Clapotis. I’ve seen so many knitters working on this pattern that I’m mighty tempted to add it to my list.
ohh! that gauntlet is beautiful! im sure everyone would appreciate you sharing! btw, the clapotis looks so awesome! i love the colorway of it! congrats on your dropped stitches! i cant wait to be there!
Ooooh, I love the gauntlet. What pattern did you use??????? Two gauntlets are even better. :->
I’ve been wanting to make another pair since it’s been so “cold and rainy” here in Los Angeles. So tell us, tell us about the pattern.
Did you notice the gloves in the book that you got your snowflake pattern from, calls for size ! needles! I bought the book last year, but I’m not up to using size 1’s just yet.
GORgeous gauntlet! Wow. What’s the color/yarn for your Clapotis? That’s the best yarn yet…just need to know what it is.
I love the gauntlet! And Clapotis is gorgeous!
Ahhh…your Clapotis is beautiful! I will be finishing mine tonight…I did resist the urge to drop my sts…I’m glad I did because as I am doing the last few decreasing rows, the wonder of the Clap is unfolding. The gauntlets are awsome too!
I’m so glad you’re going to post that pattern! I was looking at the picture, and I was like, “Those would be PERFECT to knit for work. I wonder where she got the pattern?” (I have perpetually cold hands & arms at work, and have been thinking I need to make myself some super long arm warmers, perhaps with a cable or two. Right now on my desk I have 2 pairs of arm warmers, and I’m wearing a pair of fingerless mitts (from Weekend Knitting.))
Clapotis is looking great. I’m being really tempted to start one as a school auction item – although I’ll no doubt want to keep it for myself! Yours is beautiful. Love the gauntlet, too. Do post more info on the pattern.
Oh, yes! Pattern, please! This is the first gauntlet I’ve seen that I would actually like to knit.
Looooove the gauntlet… I want, I want!
very nice design bro. i like it.
I am from Nicaragua and learning to speak English, tell me right I wrote the following sentence: “Later, in the civil target, tank is returned to be resulting barksdale take stars.”
With respect :p, Helene.
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