Thanks everyone for you bon voyage wishes!
In 7 hours we’ll be on the road on the way to Hyannis (to catch the ferry to Nantucket). A few days there, and then a few more back on the Cape.
I’m all packed — yes, even my knitting! See?

That bag looks small but I’ve manged to get a lot in there.
- Wavy Lace Shawl from VK Fall 05
- Sock in Vine Lace stitch pattern in Hand Jive Yarn
- River Scarf: I’ve been doing 1 or 2 repeats a night and hope to have this done when I return.
- 5 balls of yarn for KnitPicks Snowflakes & Arrows Vest.
- Anastacia sweater in progress, with 2 additional hanks of Cascade 220 to tide me over
- 2 hanks of Artyarns Ultramerino 4…just because
- A variety of patterns printed out and copied, slipped into sleeves.
- 2 pairs each of US 0 and US 1 for socks…in case I buy sock yarn and MUST CAST ON NOW (that’ll *never* happen, right?)
- Notions bag with all the necessary goodies
- Last but not least, Handknit Holidays. You really didn’t think I’d leave home without it did you?
I can’t believe I fit all of it into this bag! Everything is sitting in nice little ziploc bags so they can’t cavort when I’m not looking.
While I’m Away
I’m not sure if I’ll be able to blog while I’m away. I do plan on reviewing the yarn stores I visit, but that might have to wait until I get back. It’s not clear how much internet access we’ll have at the BnBs.
River-Alongers — I’ll be taking a break from updating this Sunday.
If you’re stopping for lunch or a snack around a certain city where 95 intersects 91, give me a call!
Have a wonderful time … 😉
How exciting.
Are you sure all that stuff is in there?
Have a great time, take lots of pictures and find lots of great yarn stores!
Come back and tell everything. 😀
i can’t wait to see snowflakes and arrows. i’m in love with it even though i don’t wear vests or knit fair isle… but the colors!!
have fun!!!!
That’s a lot of stuff you’re taking! Wow – I’m impressed. I hope you guys have a great time and we can’t wait to see what you accomplished knitwise on your trip.
Don’t forget pictures, k?
If you figure out the wavy lace border I’ll be all eyes and ears to hear how you’ve done it! I’ve tried it twice and by the time i get to the 9th row I’m 6 sts short. Have no idea what I’m doing wrong… Have a great time on your trip! Sounds amazing!
AAAUGH!! If your bag is too full you may not be able to pickk up some souvenier yarn!
goooood grief! how large is that bag?! i love ziplocks for projects too — the nice thick bags so my needles don’t poke through.
Have a great time!
That’s a lot of projects to pack. May you finish them all!
Dear Savannahchick,
my “River” is finally done – you can see the pictures on my blog – I hope you will like them.
Have a great time!
Hey, I love that bag for you knitting. What is it?
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