I’m past the armholes on the back now, so it should be smooth sailing!
While working on it last night I thought some of you might like to see how I do the armhole curves. I think I saw this first in EZ’s Knitting Without Tears. You see how my edges don’t do any of that stair-stepping? It makes the curves nicer and sewing it up far easier! Wanna see what I do? Here are a few pics for you too!
* inches left on the back
Wow – thank you for that slideshow! I wish I’d known that before – but I’m certainly glad to know it now.
Thank you, thank you. I did know that trick a couple of years ago, but, oops, forgot it. I’m in the process of making my teen son a hoodie, and its going to be a bear to sew the hood to the stairstep neckline. Sooooo, next time I’ll use your tip. I guess I should also make myself a large note to put in my knitting journal.
BTW do you have a friendly LYS? I get to Savannah about once a year.
Deb from Baltimore
I’ll remember that for future reference, thanks.
Very cool. I usually use the slip-first-stitch of BO row method, but now I’ll have to try this! thanks!
Did you post once about how you make the pop-up window with images? I thought I remembered something like this, and searched to no avail…
Great hint! Thank you.
Thanks! I wish I’d known that last night when I was binding off a shoulder in CanLit class.
Something weird is going on with your slideshow popups; when I click on the link the right slideshow opens in a new window, but if I right-click on the link and then click “open in new window”, it opens up your Kool Aid dyeing slideshow instead!
Ooh, thanks! I have that book, but don’t remember reading that particular trick. This post is getting bookmarked in my How To folder!
I may need to rip out my weekend warrior and redo the armholes now. I suspect that’s one reason why setting in the sleeves has been so challenging for me. Thanks for the tutorial.
wow that is very cool. maybe i will have to get that book on my list!
thanks so much for the tip – funny enough, i was working on a sweater and had stopped at the exact place you were working on because i didn’t like the way it was looking – now i am going to try your tip – thanks thanks thanks. any tips for making the shapping for a neckline on the back of a cardigan look good?
Nice…I will add that to my arsenal of knitting tips. That’s so BOOKMARKED!
Hey, that is awesome! Thanks for the pictures!
Thanks for the tutorial — that’s fantastic!
Brilliant tip. Many thanks!
It really looks better, thank you for putting it together and sharing.
Thanks for sharing the tip and taking the time to take the pictures
Great slideshow – thanks. I have been trying out ways to get rid of those steps – now I can’t wait to get to that point in my next project!
What great tips on the armhole, plus what lovely things you have knit. I found your blog through another blog (My Escape from the Boys). I will check in again.
Thanks for the great tip, it really is very useful!
YAY!! Thanks for the slideshow, Jody – I really wanted to try that with my Dune but couldn’t find it in any of my books. Now I can do it. Thanks so much!
great technique. i gotta try that!
Fabulous! I had been looking for this very technique! I did it years ago and couldn’t remember which book I got it from. Thanks so much for sharing and for posting such a great tutorial.