Talk about the MSWF has definitely heated up in the past couple of days. I’ve been meaning to post here that I’ll be going. I can’t wait! Between getting to meet bloggers in person to attending the demonstrations to shopping at all the independent vendors in the mart – it should be a great day. I’m driving down with Christy and Stella on Saturday. No, we’re not staying overnight. Philly is close enough to do it in a day – about 2-2.5 hours.
If you’re planning on going let me know, ok? Kathleen just told me yesterday that she’s going! Yes, I’ll be participating in spot the blogger. I think I’m going to put something on a backpack. I’m hoping (yeah yeah I know, famous last words, right?) to be finished with Maude by next weekend. Finished knitting is one thing. Finished weaving in the ends may be an entirely different thing.
Speaking of Maude, no pics today. I worked late last night and didn’t get much knitting in. Just a few rows in Lichen and Peony. Dontcha just love the color names of Mission Falls?
My meeting in NYC today got cancelled though so I should have a short work day today. I’m hoping for a good 3 hours of knitting tonight. That is, if I don’t get sucked into blog surfing once I get home. Not that any of you can relate to that!