Happy New Year!
I usually do a retrospective on January 1st but I still have 2 FOs to post about so that’ll wait – hopefully this weekend.
For now, let’s talk about 2014 goals…
- Knit more socks – I say this every year. I love wearing handknit socks and I enjoy knitting them. I’ve knit 2 pairs each of the past few years. For 2014, I’m making 4 pairs my goal.
- Get on track with Paul’s pair of socks per year – I was off to a great start and finished Paul’s 2012 socks in February, but then fizzled out. The man puts up with a whole room dedicated to knitting, yarn and crafting. He deserves a little more sock love.
- Knit more garments – I finally knit a garment this year and I even started a few more. For 2014 I’d like to knit 2 garments.
- Use more festival yarn – I did really well in 2012 and knit all the yarn I got at festivals. For 2013, not so much. I’d like to get back to knitting more of the yarn that I buy during the year.
- Branch out with colors for accessories – I’m never going to look good wearing orange near my face but mittens or socks? No problem.
- Add more non-sock weight yarn to my stash. – And then knit with it. I have almost no heavier weight yarn and I’m reminded of this every time I come across a pattern I like for aran, worsted or DK weight.
- Actually knit with some of my self-striping yarn – It’s my kryptonite and I’m in jeopardy of becoming the self-striping hoarder. Plus I really want to buy more.
- Make some of my UFOs into FOs – I have 16 non-hibernating UFOs. I’m fine with a lot of WIPs and UFOs but I’d love to get a few more FOs as well. A little more focus would be a good thing.
It’s funny, when I see them all written together they don’t seem too bad. Not a slam dunk, but attainable (for the most part). I’m also joining Andi’s Knitting Resolutions KAL.
My hope is that the KAL will help me better keep track of my goals and do a monthly check in. I think that’s the key – periodic check ins. Peer pressure from the participants won’t hurt either.
What about you? What are your goals for 2014? Knit more? Learn a new skill? Stash less? Take on a new type of project?
As for me, for today, I’m spending it the way I spend every January 1st – casting on a new project, working on a WIP (or two), cooking a great meal and (new for 2014) baking a yummy treat. I hope you do the same.
I’ll catch you on the purl side.
The Strappaz yarn in the lower right corner – I’ve got some socks knit from it in, I think, the same colourway. It didn’t stripe though. It’s a lovely yarn that knits up with a slight fuzz and the socks have worn really well. I bought mine on Ebay years ago, I’d definitely knit with it again if the opportunity ever arises.
ooh look at that!
is it bad that i’m relieved to have one less ball of self-striping? and when i say that, i’m thinking that i’m closer to being able to buy more – ha!
I also do not look good with orange near my face. But I felt an uncontrollable urge this year to stash orange sock yarn. I do love wild colored socks.
And I quite like your goals. They don’t seem too overwhelming. I’m might have to borrow some of them for myself!
borrow away! i’ve actually been thinking of a few additions too. the resolutions thread http://www.ravelry.com/discuss/mysistersknitter-kal-cal/2801617/ in the MSN forum is great for that.
Very nice goals. For someone with your talents, piece of pie.
You know that I am drooling over the sock yarn mosaic. Makes my heart skip a beat.
of course you are. me too
makes me want to ditch all my other sock WIPs and CO some new ones.
Happy New Year Jody! Love your resolutions, mine include knitting/crochet more. I’ve got lots of projects mulling around in my head, just need to get them in some sort of order.
Look forward to seeing what you get up to this year xx
thanks! looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us this year as well!
Happy New Year Jody!!! Love your resolutions and can’t wait to see what you come up with.
you’ve got quite a list too
Well, I am joining the KAL too, so hopefully I can keep up with my goals. I really just want to knit more socks and keep track of my stash this year. Knit it down a bit. My LYS just closed so the temptation to buy yarn will hopefully be gone as well…
you know when i saw this comment about the LYS closing so the temptation would be gone that i just had to lol. i have complete confidence that you will find other ways to tempt and taunt yourself.
Great list! I should also knit more socks for L, who puts up with a lot of knitting in our small apartment. I knit him a new hat every year and last year I knit him a pair of socks, so maybe I’ll add socks to his annual knits.
I am just getting into self-striping yarn and I totally understand the addiction. I already want more!
yeah self-striping is hard to say no to, right?
now feel free to add a pair of socks to L’s yearly list – just please don’t let Paul know, k?
This was a great post. I always make knitting goals now, and usually knit most of my list. But today I will organize a box of festival yarn to knit before I go to Fibres West. I didn’t go last year and I still haven’t knit from my 2012 haul!
i always make it one of my goals. some years i succeed and other years…not so much. but making it a goal keeps it on my mind.
when is Fibres West?
Great set of goals Jody and mirrors mine quite a bit. Best of luck, you can do it