The My Sister’s Knitter KAL is in full force. I joined the cardi KAL and it was just what I needed to motivate myself to knit on Elisbeth a bit more.
I’m two full repeats in and have started the A line decreases. I’m loving the knitting and the cables are scrumptious! Here’s a back shot too.
It’s been a while since I mentioned this one so here are the deets:
- Elisbeth by Bonne Marie Burns
- Berroco Vintage in Crimson
I love the look of those coin cables but not the actual knitting. Glad there’s only 5 of them (2 on the front as well) and they’re only every 8 rows. I can deal with that.
I’m just about done with my first skein and still have another to knit through partly before I get to where I was before I ripped last year. The stitches are slightly bumpy because it’s been ripped but a quick dunk should fix that up.
I have a couple mods planned based on other Ravelers’ notes:
- Add short rows to the cap sleeves to make them more fitted. I’m not going for the bat wing look.
- Make the shawl collar wider. This one will be an experiment but since it’s the last thing to knit I can try it on as I go.
What about you? How are your WIPs going?
I’ll catch you on the purl side.
Wow, what a lovely color. Vintage will always be one of my favorite yarns, and your pattern looks stunning in it
Keep it up!
thanks! i wasn’t totally sold on the Vintage with its high acrylic content but working with it has me convinced! plus i think it will be a little lighter weight for the office than 100% wool.
Oh i love the cabley goodness & the color is so rich!
yeah it’s a great color. i’m still surprised at how good the cables look in a yarn that’s 50% acrylic.
Good grief this is beautiful!
thanks, sam! i’m definitely excited about it.
at least for now 😉
That’s going to be beautiful when done. Can’t wait to see it finished
me too, Tina! i want to be able to wear it before it gets too warm. of course, since i’m always cold that could be May 😉
Beautiful progress ~ I’m so intrigued by those coin cables but I don’t know if I would have the patience right now to make them as lovely as yours. : )
they’re definitely a pain! and this is the first project i’ve done them in; otherwise i might have chosen a replacement cable!
but i do think they’re pretty.
I’m away from blog reading for a week or two and all of a sudden everyone is making a sweater. I feel left out!
The color or that sweater is just perfect. I know it will look great on you. And it looks like you are making great progress with those cables.